8. Effective File Management

Naming conventions

Give your files/documents unique and meaningful names. This way they are easier to find or search for. 

Bad practice:

  • Document1.docx
  • Document1_2.docx
  • Document1_6.docx
  • Document2.docx

Good practice:

  • MobileTechnologies_M1
  • MobileTechnologies_M2
  • H880_TMA_01
  • H880_TMA_02
  • H880_EMA

Structuring your files and folders

If you organise your documents/files and folders in a logical way it will be much easier to navigate to and locate your files. For example, create a parent directory/folder called Academic Work 2022-23 with sub folder names aligned to your course codes/names. 


If you save your files to OneDrive they are autosaved and you can use the 'Version history' functionality if you need to revert to or access a previous version of your work.

It is also good practice to save your work to your local machine in addition to your OneDrive.

To access the 'Version history' of a particular file or folder select it in the 'My files' window and then select the three dots in the top bar and 'Version history' from the drop-down menu.

From the 'Version History' box select the particular version you would like to view.