Microsoft Teams Resource
5. How to Collaborate in Microsoft Teams & Channels
How it Works
@mention someone
An @mention is like a tap on the shoulder—a way to get someone's attention in a channel conversation or a chat.
In the box where you type your message, type @, then type the first few letters of the person’s name. You can also @mention entire teams and channels.
Select the person. Repeat for as many people as you want to @mention.
Each person you @mention gets a notification in their Activity feed. Check for a red circle next to Activity right now to see if someone has @mentioned you!
Stay on top of things
Notifications let you know when someone @mentions you, likes something you’ve posted, or replies to a thread you started. The Activity feed helps you stay on top of all your notifications.
Select Activity .
Feed shows you a summary of everything that's happened in the channels you follow.
Select Filter to show only certain types of notifications such as @mentions or reactions.
Select Feed > My Activity to see a list of everything you've been up to lately in Teams.
Search for messages, people, or files
Searches cover your entire organization —
all the teams and channels that you're part of.
Type a phrase in the command box at the top of the app and press Enter.
Select the Messages, People, or Files tab.
Select an item in the search results to expand and learn more about it.
In the next chapter we are going to set up your mobile app.