Log in to Blackburn College Moodle
Log in using your account on:
Shibboleth LoginIs this your first time here?
If you are a student:
- Use your Student ID (the 8-digit code under your photograph on your student ID card/Advice slip provided when enrolling/Email received when applying.) as your username.
- All students were required to change their initial default password (06/11/2024). Use the new password you created to log in.
NB: If you've forgotten your password, please contact the Computer Services Helpdesk for help.
Staff - You log in using the 'Staff ID' & 'Password' fields.
If you are a member of Staff:
- Your account will be created automatically, just login using your normal staff id and password combination as you would to login to a staff PC.
- Your Moodle Staff ID is your normal Staff ID.
- Your password is the same as your college network password.
NB: If you change your password on your PC, the change will affect Moodle. You should always use your most recent password on Moodle.